The Knights of St Johns Tavern was on Queen’s Terrace in St John Wood in London, a name that brings to mind the Knights of the Order of St John of Jerusalem that owned St Johns Wood until Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and confiscated their property.
For whatever reason, the tavern adopted the name. I read that it had shut up shop a couple of years ago and I went to see the frontage that still existed in the latest information I could find.
Except, the building is on the edge of a huge redevelopment and the frontage is now propped up as you see here. I am guessing that the frontage is listed or protected in some way, and so the developers will have to keep it and tag on a building behind.

I think this is the application for the redevelopment, and I have bolded the section relevant to the facade.
Planning – Application Summary
17/11398/CLEUD Confirmation that planning permission 16/12291/FULL granted 8 August 2017 for the ‘Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission dated 2 April 2015 (RN: 14/08070/FULL) for Demolition of existing Barracks buildings (except for the listed Riding School) and redevelopment for residential use (Class C3) to provide a total of 163 units including 59 affordable units . Use of the listed Riding School as private ancillary leisure facility with internal and external alterations. Provision of Class A1/A3 retail units and Class D1 at ground level at 1 – 7 Queen’s Terrace, redevelopment behind the retained front facade and the erection of a mansard roof extension ,creation of landscaped areas and reconfigured vehicular and pedestrian access together with associated works including the provision of parking, circulation space, servicing and plant area and use of the listed Riding School as a private ancillary leisure facility, associated internal and external alterations, new side extension and the excavation of a lower ground floor beneath the Riding School. Namely to allow changes to list of approved plans to allow increase in residential units from 163 units to 171 units (increase in market housing) with associated change in unit mix, realignment of Block 4 to allow changes to The
Avenue; amend Block 4 from houses to apartment building (retention of three villas on Avenue), reduction in extent and depth of basement excavation,reconfiguration of and increase in parking spaces by 14, alterations to facades and roofs of blocks 7 and 8 and alterations to landscaping plan (Application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)) ‘ has been lawfully implemented.
St Johns Wood Barracks Ordnance Hill London NW8 6PT
Application Permitted